Those hot and sunny summer days are upon us!  Being outside and feeling the sun and warmth is great after being inside all winter, but enough is enough!  Don’t get left outside to burn even when you are in with WINDOW TINTING by the pros at Automotive Addictions!   With 17 years serving the Carolina’s, the crew at Automotive Addictions has the know how and skills to get your windows covered with hight quality window film so you are coved from the heat and dangerous UV rays as well.  Automotive window film can block up to 98% of the UV rays from the sun and 63% of the heat index.  That means you, your pets, and your car do not have to work as hard to stay cool and beet the heat!

Don’t trust one of your most valuable assets to just anyone.  Let the pros at Automotive Addictions customize your ride with lifetime warranty backed window film today.

Call for a free no obligation quote today 704-791-1119